Our very own live glow worm. This picture was taken when he was having his billy blanket treatment for jaundice.
Because we're just too lazy to keep in touch with all of our friends and family.
Our little glow worm. MSW 3/09
In addition to being swaddled up with this glowing thing, he had to wear these foam goggles to protect his eyes. That was the hardest part of the whole thing. He couldn't see for two days.
Why so sad Batman? MSW 3/09
I must admit though, he definitely looked the part of a son who's dad watches too much Scifi. He was glowing with goggles, with a cord running from him to this big machine...it was more comical than scary. In two days his color was normal and his apatite returned.
Anne and I were a little disappointed for him. We thought he may be olive complected like his grandfathers, but instead he is pasty and pale like his parents! We better buy stock in sunscreen.
Conner come en restaraunt mejicano. Su madre ama el alimento mejicano. El nombre del restaraunt era San Joe's.
Conner y su papá en San Joe's.
Él durmió la mayor parte del tiempo. Pero no su primo. Graham parece al conejito energizer. Él sólo sigue yendo y yendo y yendo.
Kate que alimenta flan de Graham.
Mamá de Graham trys para engañarlo en comida de flan. ¡"No hágalo Graham! ¡Esto es el grueso!"
Esto era un día de diversión.
Por favor perdone mi español malo.