Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Creating Fire

I can remember at various times in my life thinking, "I hope someday I am able to share this with my son."

It might have been while I was climbing a mountain, or playing football in High School, or fishing with my dad.

I must admit that this whole having a kid thing still doesn't feel real , but every so often I have one of those "I'm going to have a kid!" moments and I get a little misty eyed. When I tell Anne about it, she looks me in the face and says, "Your going to cry a little bit aren't you?" and my typical response is , "A little bit... yeah."

So what kinds of things should I teach Conner other than how to split wood? I'm going to have to think on this one for a while. I do know that some day I will teach him how to make fire without matches or a lighter.

And hopefully God will grant me the ability to use the powerful symbolism of this skill to teach Conner about life...

1 comment:

  1. Good god, a BABY?! Congrats to you and the missus. I hope you got some sleep in the last couple of years, cause you ain't gettin any for the next couple!

    Teach em to play an instrument, and if you can't (never heard you play that sax) pay someone to do it, preferably piano because it's easy to switch to anything. Teach him to fish of course. Every man gotta know how to fish...still water and moving water. And how to hunt and field dress the game. And how to sharpen a knife, change the oil, and play poker. How to knot a tie more than one way. And southern manners, of course. How to grill a proper steak, and make a good burger, how to kill a man with his bare hands and where to hide the body...wait, maybe not that last part.


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