Listen up first time fathers to be.....apparently there is this new thing called a "babymoon". Its like a honeymoon but different. I'm sure it can be found in at least one of the many glamour magazines your wife has laying around the house. The idea is that you take one last trip before your wife is too pregnant to travel. It's suppose to be the last trip you ever take when it is just the two of you. The idea is sound but the reality is you are both probably exhausted, you can't sit for too long, you can't walk for long, she is usually self conscious of her size so no beach really doesn't workout how you envision it but she wants it so your going to give it to her!

As an insensitive man, I thought the issue was over. We missed the babymoon window and that was that. I couldn't have been more wrong. Once again I found us discussing "the babymoon". There was some crying, I used my man words such as "ridiculous" and "are you kidding me" (all big no no's in the man vs women heated debate arena) until finally it ended with no conclusion, and us both yelling, "Fine", "Fine".

When we arrived, you could see people wandering towards a bigtop tent. Walking through the parking lot I was overcome by a stabbing pain under my right shoulder blade. It dropped me to my knees. I couldn't catch my breath. It was different from any of the back pain I had been suffering for the last couple of months. Anne and I both thought that this might be the end of our hopes to see the show. Anne helped me back to the car where I had some pain medicine. I took the max dose and we decide to go to the show and hope for the best.
When we entered, I was surprised by how small the stage seemed. I expected it to be bigger. We quickly noticed that there was a kind of pre-show going on. Costumed characters were running through the audience chasing one another and stage workers in elaborate costumes performed slapstick while preparing the stage. Some characters were helping seat the wrong seats or seats already occupied. It was very entertaining. By the time the "Ring Master" began to introduce the show, my pain killers had kicked in and I was feeling good.
As the show started, we began to realize what phenomenal seats we had. Right in the front about 10 rows back. We were also in a section-ending row, so no one was behind us kicking our seats or talking. We also had a seat open on either side of us in what appeared to be a sold out show. Could it be. Surly someone was going to show up late, spill a drink on us and smell of ham while pushing passed us to takeover our arm rests...but that never happened! God was truely at work here.
If you have never heard of Cirque du Soleil, it is a cross between a circus (with acrobats, contortionists, magicians, jugglers, and high wire act), a ballet, live world beat music concert, a play, a light show and some of the most bizarre and amazing scifi/fantasy costumes and imagery imaginable. This was by far one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life. You are constantly on the edge of your seat, wowed by what you are seeing. The show never disappoints. Just when you think you have seen everything, something else blows your mind. I recommend to anyone - Spend The Money To See A Cirque Du Soleil Show. It is one of the most magical spectacles you will experience in your life time.
So the show was good.
I am so glad to have taken Anne on a babymoon. I highly recommend that you soon to be fathers make and effort to spend this quality time with you wife no matter what the cost. And if you are looking for ideas....psst,"priceline and Cirque Du Soleil..."
Belated congratulations on the new addition to your family! I know Graham is thrilled to have a cousin! Wishing you both a great parenthood.