Nothing prepared us for leaving the hospital with a really real live baby. I mean, lets be honest here, who would give us a baby to take home? It all seems very irresponsible on the part of the hospital.
You know you're going to "have" a baby but I guess you just don't realize that you are actually going to have to take it home. Its like a surprise at the end an event, when they tell you, "and you can keep this". You smile and thank them, but in the back of your mind your not really sure what your going to do with it.

We were able to check out at around 6 PM on Friday since Anne and Conner were doing well. It all seamed a bit like a dream. It also felt like we had been at the hospital forever.
Conner wasn't too happy about all of the bright light or the car seat. His voice was very small so his cries were more of a dramatic facial expression with very little sound.

Driving out of the Hospital parking lot I was overwhelmed with a sense of contentment. I was driving my wife and new baby home. A car seat and diaper bag would replace the backpack and random camping gear that normally occupy the back seat of my jeep, but somehow that felt right.
Waiting two blocks away at our house, Jonathan, Kate , Graham, Sid and Wiggles awaited our arrival. It all became very real. Conner was now an actual member of our family and of Team Mzungu.
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