As I cut away branches and stacked the logs of our old cherry tree, I couldn't help but reflect on it's life. Many years ago, someone planted a small cherry tree at the back corner of our lot. At the time, I am sure they were very excited about it. Considering our climate, they must have watered it daily until the small tree had taken root. Over the years it grew. It watch many families live in our home. Children no doubt climbed on it and played under it for hours. It provided shade for the ever changing cars that had been parked under it. A witness to progress. Couples had returned home only to fight under it. An hour or so later that very same tree would provide a flower covered branch as a peace offering. It weathered many strong storms, and a couple of resident wood peckers over the years. An occasional drought left it withered and weak. And yet it remained unmoved. A silent observer of the world around it.
In its life it provided shade and shelter to our home. In its old age it continued to produce beautiful blossoms yet no longer produced any fruit. Hollow and weak its limbs began to fail it. With each storm more branches lay on the ground. Molds and vines began to find it easier to live on the old tree. Insects and disease began to set in. However, even when it had become too weak to withstand the harsh weather, too old to make it to another season, it still managed to produce one last beautiful gesture.

This sprig of cherry blossoms was picked from a small branch left on a log in our wood pile. Even after death there was beauty in this old tree...and later next winter when we are huddled around the fireplace as a family, I will wonder if I am burning the last of the cherry tree.
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